Halifax Ukelele Gang now! | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Halifax Ukelele Gang now!

Who knows? Sir Bob Geldof might appear to Celtic Corner the first Monday of each month to strum "I don't like Mondays" with the whole uke'n gang.

I know you hate Mondays as much as the next person, so here's a reason to start liking them: the ukulele. The Halifax Ukulele Gang holds a free meeting on the first Monday of each month from 7-9pm at the Celtic Corner on Alderney Drive, for those who want to learn the instrument.

These meetings are targeted at everyone, from the musically inclined to those looking for a grand sing-along. Whether it's a traditional song or an AC/DC tune, you never know what you'll hear. Jonathan Grady, a head Uker, says they make sure that everyone is outfitted with a uke and can begin with some easy songs.

"Over the course of the evening," he says, "we jump into a variety of pieces by request. The more experienced players help out the newer ones."

The Gang's website assures anyone interested: "If you have always wanted to play a musical instrument but have thought it was too difficult, then the ukulele is the instrument for you." –Ryan Hemsworth

Halifax Ukelele Gang: Monday, August 10, 7pm, Celtic Corner, 69 Alderney Drive, Free

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