Five Probing Questions with Sonic Avenues | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Five Probing Questions with Sonic Avenues

montreal power-punk-poppers on Pizza Pops

Sonic Avenues

Sonic Avenues
  • Sonic Avenues

Montreal punkers Sonic Avenues make bright, effervescent, irresistible power pop. Like The Undertones or Jay Reatard, their songs balance sweet melodies with a plaintive streak that will send shivers down your spine. Their split 7” with the Steve Adamyk Band is current available on P-Trash Records and they have a full-length on Portland’s Dirtnap Records (Exploding Hearts, Mean Jeans) due out in January. They made their first foray into Europe earlier this year and will return for a bunch of dates next summer. And they’ll be playing a spooky punk show at Gus’ Pub on Saturday Oct 29 on a stacked bill that includes Moncton’s Beaten Hearts, the Fat Stupids and Outtacontroller. Plus, they are babes. You really should go.

I sent bassist Jamie Desjardins an email containing some extremely important questions. He was a ripping good sport and answered back in a hilarious manner. See below.

1. Where are you right now?

Casa Sonic Avenues. We keep a secret country home for the band on the outskirts of Montreal, venturing into the city only at night. Think Wayne Manor.

2. What are you wearing?

A smile.

3. You’ve played all over Europe and the Screeching Weasel anniversary in Chicago this year — what was the best show for you guys out of that lot?

Yeah, Europe was pretty wild. The Screeching Weasel thing didn’t happen actually—-.the whole weekend got cancelled at the last minute after Ben Weasel took a swing at a (reportedly obnoxious, but also female) fan at a show, and the whole punk community basically decided to ostracize him, his band resigned en masse, etc, so the whole thing fell apart in record time.
Anyway, back to Europe. Berlin was probably the best show, though Munich was a close second. Others shows were memorable for...other reasons. For example, at one point we played, ate and slept in what can only be described as a derelict industrial building in the former East Germany...we’re talking burning-scrap-building-materials-for-heat-in-a-wood-stove kind of place. But that being said, even there, the venue itself was super cool, the sound was good, turnouts healthy, and the walls were literally covered with tags from all the bands that had come through over the years. It was pretty cool.

4. Do you prefer pizza pops or pizza pockets (I’m eating a pizza pocket right now) and why?

I’m very glad you asked, as this is an important topic that I really don’t think gets enough attention these days. The short, and very clear answer, is Pizza Pockets. There are several reasons why this indisputably true:

Firstly: The seams. Pizza Pops have them, Pizza Pockets don’t. Seams suck. Big time. You put those suckers in the microwave even slightly too long, and the seams give out, spilling the sweet, sweet topping-stuff all over the place. BRUTAL.

Secondly: The dough. In a word, lose the grease, Pizza Pops! If I wanted oily crap all over my hands after eating a questionably-nutritional after-school snack, I’d eat a pogo.

Thirdly: the stuffing. Ever notice that regardless of what flavour of Pizza Pop you buy, the insides always look, and largely taste, the same? Pizza Pockets, however, can actually be distinguished one from the next on the inside, both by sight and taste.

5. What are you going as for Halloween in Halifax?

This is of course a closely guarded band secret until Saturday. However, I have been authorized to reveal that one of us may or may not attend as The Wonder(ful) Flying Taco, a Mexican superhero on a mission to convert straightedge kids into Nick Ball.

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