Faire Child wants to know who made your clothes | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Faire Child wants to know who made your clothes

Local and sustainable kids’ line celebrates Fashion Revolution Week at the Discovery Centre.

click to enlarge Faire Child wants to know who made your clothes
Some of the fine folks behind Faire Child's Burnside manufacturer, Climate Technical Gear

Faire Child’s Fashion Revolution
Sat Apr 28, 11am-4pm
Discovery Centre
1215 Lower Water Street

Faire Child, a local line of children’s outerwear, is making Nova Scotia’s first Fashion Revolution event happen. Fashion Revolution Week is a global movement inspired by the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse—the factory that produced clothing for popular fast fashion brands such as Joe Fresh—in Bangladesh that killed 1,138 people in April 2013. The movement pushes for transparency in the fashion industry and strives to change “the way our clothes are sourced, produced and consumed.”

Alissa Kloet, who works alongside Faire Child’s designer Tabitha Osler, got in contact with the Canadian representative of Fashion Revolution after noticing there were no events happening in Nova Scotia. Kloet wanted to make sure Faire Child—which is Dartmouth-made, using 100 percent recycled materials—is involved with organizations that are striving for positive change in the industry.

“We decided to work with kids because of our brand, but also because kids are the future consumers,” says Kloet. “If we can educate them on the journey our clothes take and get them thinking about those things, we’ll have a future of more educated shoppers.”
The event will be held at the Discovery Centre on Saturday, where children attending will be asked, “Who made your clothes?” and shown how they can look at the tag inside their shirts to see what their clothing is made out of and where it came from.

“We don’t want to be bringing in the darker side of things, but we want to get them thinking about people across the globe,” says Kloet.
After its Kickstarter campaign in December, Faire Child has just begun getting its products in the past month from its partnership with local manufacturer, Climate Technical Gear.

“They are are such lovely people. We learned about its life story and we’ll be showing people who made our clothes so they can put a face to the product.”

Committed to ethical practices, Faire Child makes their clothes using the closed-loop model so their garments never end up in a landfill. The fabric they use is made from recycled water bottles that have been collected, crushed and spun into yarn.

“This is the most innovative part of what we do.”

Kloet says she hopes more local designers and brands get involved with Fashion Revolution Week next year. “Even though they are talking about some serious topics like workers’ rights and environmental impacts, they are also very positive about getting people engaged in a great way.”

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