Dana Beeler | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Dana Beeler

After years in the family's bluegrass band, she's ready to sing lead.

The first time that Dana Beeler played in front of an audience, she was almost overwhelmed by nerves. “I performed at a high school open mic and almost fell off my chair,” she says. Although Beeler has played in a bluegrass band with her family for years, the 19-year-old says it took time for her to develop the confidence needed to sing lead. The Grassworks Bluegrass Band---consisting of Beeler’s parents, uncle, grandfather and sister---has taken the stage at various venues and festivals since Beeler was very young. At 17, she decided to try writing on her own, and “Ruby” was born---a ditty that deals with “cheating, red wine and the wrath of a certain talented woman.” More songs followed, and Beeler moved from her hometown of Lantz to Halifax. The remarkable depth in Beeler’s music caught the attention of The Whiskey Kisses via MySpace and she’s been opening for them and playing open mics ever since.

Beeler plans to attend NSCC’s Music Business program next year and is working on an album. “I’ve been really lucky,” she says. “And I’ve been working really hard to not fall off any more chairs.”

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