Chris Locke’s dad brain | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Chris Locke’s dad brain

Toronto comedian tells it like it is about anxiety, parenthood, bears

Chris Locke’s dad brain
Andrew Strapp

Chris Locke w/host Dan Hendricken, Cher Hann, Matt Wright, Heidi Brander
Thursday, November 17, 8pm

w/host Adam Christie, Cher Hann, Bob Kerr, Struan Sutherland
Friday, November 18, 8pm
The Company House, 2202 Gottingen Street

Chris Locke learned he was afraid of bears the hard way. The comedian was on a hike in Northern Ontario with his wife when he saw signs warning about their presence.

"I'm hiking with a giant rock in my hand, and I'm half enjoying the hike, half-always looking for a bear," he remembers with a laugh. "On the last hike, there's a part of me that's hoping one jumps out and starts ripping me to shreds so I can be like 'FINALLY a reason for this anxiety!'"

It's these sort of stories, "observational humour that goes into absurd territory," that form the backbone of Locke's comedic style, and that audiences can expect when he brings the laughs from his home base in Toronto to The Company House November 17 and 18.

Along for the ride is an assortment of new, wacky tales (like that day in the woods) in support of his new comedy album, Demons Are Eating My Head, which snagged number one on the iTunes Canada comedy charts during its October release.

"A lot of the stories are about being a new dad, because demons eating your brain is what that feels like," Locke says of the album.

And for Locke, joking about demons (be they in the woods or in your mind) is the ultimate way to slay them: The bear story "is also a great analogy for everyday life and dealing with anxiety. We always feel like there's a big monster coming to kill us but there never really is," he says.

That's a way better strategy than a big rock.

Morgan Mullin

Morgan was the Arts & Entertainment Editor at The Coast, where she wrote about everything from what to see and do around Halifax to profiles of the city’s creative class to larger cultural pieces. She started with The Coast in 2016.
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