Bite Me, Julie Albert and Lisa Gnat (Pinky Swear Press) | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Bite Me, Julie Albert and Lisa Gnat (Pinky Swear Press)

Humourous cookbooks are tough to do, unless you're making wookie cookies.

Mixing humour into cookbooks is a tricky thing, unless it's The Star Wars Cookbook and you're making Wookie Cookies (they're actually not bad). Too many puns can make your stomach turn, but here it's easy to ignore the clever intros and occasionally raunchy jokes, and focus on the recipes and full-page glossy photos. Written by two Canadian sisters with an easygoing, sibling-banter style, Bite Me is lovely to look at---thanks to design guru Bruce Mau---and easy-to-read, offering straightforward fare. You won't find anything new in this successful self-published cookbook, but you won't have to search the gourmet section for ingredients or take all day to prepare, either.

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