Susan goes to the Pride parade | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Susan goes to the Pride parade

Posted By on Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 4:36 PM

To the mature, tight-assed white woman who had such a problem with me smoking weed away from the crowd at the Pride parade, that she had a walk-by altercation with me: Loosen up.

You're at a Pride parade, hun. Telling me it's "the law" then calling the cops on me was the lamest thing you could have done. The cop thought you were ridiculous, and I didn't get fined, because nobody follows those designated-smoking-area rules. I guess I mostly just wanted to shine a light on the irony of your white spoiled ass bothering a cop to come talk to a queer person at a Pride parade, wanting her to FINE ME. Remember, my people rioted so you could put that cute little rainbow on your face sweetie, we don't care much for the law.

Oh, it was super cute when you yelled "fuck off" after I wished you a happy Pride. Girl, seek help. I'm sorry there was no manager you could have asked to speak to and that must have made you very scared and angry. I suggest a CDB pen, it really helps with the anger.

Anyway, love you! Sage your whole soul please.
—Friendly Gay Tryin' To Get High In Peace

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