Dating vs single | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dating vs single

Posted on Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 4:00 AM

I'm no stranger to the dating game. In my experience 90 percent of these idiots your stuck with are not worth the time of day. Most prove to be only useful for sex and nothing more. Most lie, cheat or pull disapearing acts then suddenly reappear. They think you will forgive but then get bent out of shape when you call them out on there shit. A person can only handle so much bull before saying no more and either give up or end up bitter over it. My point being i have given up and will not even bother trying to date due to all the idiots out there who deserve to be single. If your a liar,cheater, etc you do not deserve anyone and should do all a favor and not bother wasting others time. If all you want is sex just say it. Don't lead someone on with false promises. Karma is a bitch and will get you for it. If you don't want to be with someone tell them rather than dissapear like a little boy/girl. No one is perfect and we all have our pros and cons. But if your cons outweigh the pros then you should not waste anyones time with your pathetic lies and excuses. All your doing is burning out the good ones who can be honest and loyal. —Burnt out and staying single

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