Facebook status | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Facebook status

Posted on Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 12:39 PM

Not that I'm your biggest fan, or give a shit about your life. But when you bombard my newsfeed every time I log in and I see 7 status of how you're eating a cookie, and how you just drank juice, and how you took a shit or brushed your teeth... and they all end with "xoxo love you babe" I can't help but think I hope he dumps your ass, cheats on you with your mom and give you herpes. Okay I know that's a little excessive but I mean come on! Is that really necessary? And I do mean EVERY SINGLE STATUS. You update your status about 20 times a day too it seems. Please get a twitter account? I don't even know. —OMG I Just Want to Slap a Bitch

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