Bus stop bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bus stop bitch

Posted on Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:49 PM

Smoking in the shelter is a problem that won't go away, it seems. Some of you are just assholes and don't care, some of you are just plain ignorant, so a pox on you rude idiots that smoke in the shelter while the rest of us who don't want to smell your fucking stank (or some of us who have asthma, or have children).

Do know you look like a complete fucking asshole when people are shivering outside the shelter while you puff away inside, then RACE to get on the bus in front of everyone ahead of you who had to stand outside the stop? And you work at the hospital? Seriously? Do you run around there like a child, all proud of yourself for bolting in front of everyone (who froze thanks to you) and holding your arms out at the curb as soon as the bus gets there? How childish do you have to be?

I don't care if people smoke, I'm not against it, but for fuck sakes have some common DECENCY for people around you—YOU chose to smoke, not me. So smoke outside the stop (not just in the doorway either, fuckwit, the smoke fills the shelter) or if you're that cold, put the fucking cigarette out. And for fuck sakes wait your turn to get on the bus, you look to be well over 40 yet you act 18. Get a clue and a life you useless old rude chimney-smelling hag. Waiting for Metro Useless and its fucked-up schedule sucks already, you don't need to be making it worse. —I Know I Know, Buy A Car and Shut Up OB ;)

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