Greed Bag! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Greed Bag!

Ok Barrington Superstore, we get it. You're putting on some good PR by replacing plastic bags with the reusable "green bags". Sounds great! But where the hell do you get off charging people a dollar for this? If you really gave a damn about the environme

Posted on Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 6:04 PM

Ok Barrington Superstore, we get it. You're putting on some good PR by replacing plastic bags with the reusable "green bags". Sounds great! But where the hell do you get off charging people a dollar for this? If you really gave a damn about the environment, you would not be expecting your student-ghetto university patrons to foot the bill.

As it stands now, my money, or lack thereof, is more important to me than the environment. I'm going to Sobey's from now on.

Fuck green bags. Fuck the environment.

Some poor student

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